1. Turn off all electronics for an hour, ideally once a day.
2. Set boundaries with others who demand our time. Don’t be afraid to say you are not available at certain times for messages or calls. Examples of healthy boundaries are no business calls after a certain hour, setting a healthy sleep schedule, organizing your week so that you are attending to things such as cleaning or groceries only once so you free up space for you. Is there anyone in your life who is taking up a lot of your time? Perhaps you can create a new arrangement.
3. Reflect on how you feel when things are quiet. Lean into any emotions that are coming up. Be kind, gentle and compassionate to yourself. Explore those feelings and emotions more deeply.
4. Engage in things that feed your soul. Sit quietly. Walk in nature. Meditate. Participate in mindful activities. Do yoga or tai chi. Explore your creativity by writing, art making, playing music or reading soul lifting material.
5. Sometimes simply observing the beauty of things around you can provide a sense of peace. For example have you ever really observed the points of a leaf, its colors and their veins? Look at the sky and clouds. Think of how amazing it is that it brings us rain, sunshine, warmth and beautiful colours like blue, gray, orange, purple and yellow. This wonder creates a soulful sense of gratitude and peace.