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Trauma-Informed Therapy: What It Is & How It Works

Trauma-Informed Therapy: What It Is & How It Works

A brief introduction

Therapies cannot be purely technical if they are to effect change in aspects related to human beings. However, it is only useful to the patient if the therapist or herself is familiar with the concept of trauma, and that is where trauma-informed therapy is brought into play. It involves recognizing and addressing the trauma and providing an ambiance that will make the victim comfortable.

Here is a blog that contains all the relevant information regarding trauma-informed care, including principles, concepts, and strategies.

What Is Trauma-Informed Care?

Individuals can not only be subjected to physical or emotional abuse but other types of trauma as well, including major loss, neglect, violence, or being exposed to a disaster. Thus, the consequences of a traumatic experience are experienced daily since trauma changes the mental-emotional, physical, and sometimes even social state of individuals. Trauma-informed counseling aims to empower the client, enabling them to bring the required changes into practice. Trauma-informed care promotes an optimistic therapeutic process that encourages healing and growth.

You can also read this article : what is trauma a detailed guide

Principles Of Trauma-Informed Care

  • Secure environment: The best practice of trauma-informed care is creating conditions that allow people not to be afraid or shunned for what they think and feel.
  • Transparency and Trustworthiness: The key strategy is to assist the affected individual in feeling worthy and supported. To be more expressive, trust needs to develop with the client. Talks should be open, supportive, and frank.
  • Offering peer support: People may find comfort in talking to others who understand them due to the trauma they underwent. Peer support is a critical element of trauma counseling techniques.
  • Empathy and collaborative efforts: Thus, it is with communication that goes far beyond simple speech and listening that this abstract work of giving trauma-informed care is carried out. It makes the expectations be met by caring, understanding, and coordinating work.
  • Empowerment: In this approach, the clients have an opportunity to influence their wants and requirements, making it more empowering to speak and choose.
  • Consideration: It is equally important in therapy to consider cultural, historical, and gender issues to avoid offending anyone. Trauma-informed therapists must be sensitive to these aspects.

Implementation of Trauma-Informed Care Into Psychotherapy:

Trauma-informed care is an easy-to-use concept and now that we know what it is let’s make it easier to understand by explaining the process using an example.

The main character, Tyla, is a 35-year-old woman who decides to turn to therapy after a traumatic situation. She experienced child abuse in her past and has been recently attacked violently. Tyla experiences anxiety, has no trust, and lacks feelings, or at least she cannot access them.

  1. The initial assessment: Tyla’s therapist poses questions about her personal history and issues that may concern her. She is not too invasive and, thus, does not ask questions that would cause her distress.
  2. Secure environment: To make Tyla comfortable during the session, the therapist explains the confidentiality of the session and the fact that only Tyla and the therapist will be privy to the information shared.
  3. Trust building: By having constant though relatable communication, in addition to paying strict attention to time in the session, Tyla learns to trust enough to share her feelings.
  4. Offering peer support: The therapist may suggest certain groups or resources to support Tyla. If Tyla could share her situation with others who have experienced similar abuses, this may reduce her feelings of loneliness. With the therapist’s coordination, Tyla is linked to other clients who also went through similar abuses.
  5. Empathy and collaboration: In a more integrative approach, the goals of therapy are set with the client and therapist. Tyla’s opinion is considered, and she is empowered to participate in decisions concerning treatment, demonstrating examples of trauma-informed care in practice.
  6. Empowerment: The child’s needs and preferences are also considered or promoted. They decide on her treatment and make choices that are right for her; the therapist informs all the options available.
  7. Consideration: The therapist takes into account Tyla’s cultural background and makes a cultural assessment. This means that the therapist accepts her values and beliefs, even when they differ from his or her own.

The Benefits of Trauma-Informed Care

A trauma-informed approach has several advantages. According to the study, it is effective at decreasing trauma symptoms, enhancing client engagement, and leading to better results. This makes the clients feel accepted and allows them to discuss what they are going through and focus on personal development.

Trauma-Informed Care Difficulties And Implications

Therapists are always updating their information and improving their techniques to help the clients they are treating. As we strive to meet the current standards, some of us attend courses in trauma therapy while others receive training in trauma-informed approaches. Also, therapists may experience a lack of emotional resources and feel depleted. Advanced age and burnout seem to be positively associated with an intent to withdraw from clinical practice; therefore, apart from supervision, therapists need to consider self-care to reduce the risk of developing burnout or intending to leave the practice. Trauma-informed therapy training can be essential for staying effective in the field.

In Conclusion

This forms the foundation needed to apply the principles of trauma-informed care to obtain positive results in mental health. The principles of safety, others’ trustworthiness, collaboration, people’s enabling, and culture can be used by therapists in order to build healing environments. Thus, when you are looking for trauma therapy near me or the best therapeutic practices for treating trauma, ensure you choose a therapist who has a firm and passable understanding of these values.

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