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How to Heal Your Mind From Trauma?

How to Heal Your Mind From Trauma?

Trauma is something that we’ve all dealt with at some point in our lives. Sometimes, it can be as minor as a disappointing performance in a presentation or exam. With time, these experiences often heal, and we can learn and grow from them.

But the major ones, which they call “The Large ‘T’ traumas”, tend to leave a scar on your soul and will remain with you for the rest of your life if left untreated.

Healing from trauma is a slow process. It is like recovering from a wound, as it takes time, but it’s possible with the right support.

With the right strategies and support, you can heal more quickly and get your happiness back.

What is trauma?

Trauma is the mind and body’s way of reacting to an overwhelming, shocking experience. Events like accidents, losses, or emotional abuse can leave a lasting impact on your physical and emotional well-being. It changes to the way how we think, feel, and act, even after the event is over. We cover all of these flows in-depth in our what is trauma a detailed guide

Effects of trauma on your health

Trauma can affect both your mental and physical health. Let’s discuss the mental health issues first.

Mental health issues

  • PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a common mental health issue that occurs when severe symptoms persist after experiencing trauma.
    These are some common signs of PTSD; flashbacks of the traumatic memory, nightmares, severe anxiety and depression, suicidal thoughts, and emotional numbness.
  • Insomnia: It’s very common to have sleep issues for those who have experienced trauma because of intrusive thoughts and constant anxiety. You feel even worse emotionally when you’re not being able to sleep well. 
  • Emotional Numbness: Trauma can lead to emotional numbness as a way to protect oneself. This can make it difficult to process feelings and make everyday interactions overwhelming, leading to emotional outbursts or a sense of detachment from others.
  • Development of unhealthy coping skills: Some people may find a way to escape from their emotional turmoil through destructive and unhealthy coping skills like drug abuse, excessive alcohol consumption, overeating, or self-isolation.

You can also read this article : what is trauma informed therapy.

Physical Health Issues

  • Chronic Pain

Trauma can lead to unexplained chronic pain such as constant headaches, back pain, or joint issues. The stress from traumatic experiences may manifest as physical discomfort in the body. It is the body’s way of telling you something is wrong. 

Research has shown that trauma-related stress can indeed result in chronic pain conditions, emphasizing the deep connection between emotional trauma and physical pain (PLOS ONE, 2023).

  • Rapid Aging

Untreated trauma and stress can accelerate your body’s aging process, leading to premature physical decline and even cognitive issues like dementia. Studies indicate that individuals who experience trauma and PTSD face a higher risk of accelerated aging and increased accumulation of chronic diseases (NIH, 2023).

  • Eating Disorders

Trauma can also lead to unhealthy relationships with food. Some may overeat as a form of emotional comfort, while others may develop anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorders as a way of exerting control over their bodies.

Types of trauma

Childhood trauma

Childhood trauma can damage a child’s self-esteem, causing frustration, headaches, and stomachaches. It often leads to a negative view of the world.

It is difficult for survivors of childhood trauma to access their memories because they often distance themselves for longer periods, whether consciously or unconsciously. This trauma may cause feelings of abandonment, rage, frustration, and neglect.

Relationship trauma

Relationship trauma occurs when abusive or negative experiences in relationships cause emotional and psychological harm. This can happen in romantic relationships, friendships, or family settings in which you come across betrayal, emotional abuse, neglect, or manipulation.


Bullying is a common case in children and teens that can be very overwhelming and can have an impact on their mental health. It can also cause problems in their social life and relationships. Being bullied can cause physical or emotional distress, making it difficult for them to cope with daily life.

Bullying can lead to PTSD symptoms that bring out major trust issues in them.

How to heal from trauma?

You’re not alone in dealing with your trauma. There is indeed help available to guide you toward healing and peace, so it doesn’t take over your life. It’s not about “forgetting it.” It’s about facing it with care and taking steps to get back to your normal happy life.


It’s important to recognize how the trauma has affected you. Denying or avoiding it can delay healing. Accept that the event is a part of your past, and instead of dwelling on what can’t be changed, focus on changing how you view and feel about the incident.

Practice Meditation

Meditation and mindfulness can be really helpful. Practicing them can help bring you back to the present moment and reduce the intensity of traumatic memories.

Seek Help from Therapists

Recovering from trauma without professional support can take a lot of time. If you know about your trauma and are ready to make progress, seek help from a professional trauma-informed therapist who can give you the necessary support and take you on the path to recovery.

Trauma-informed therapies like CBT, DBT, and EMDR are the most effective in processing traumatic experiences.

Join Support Groups

Find and connect with a circle of supportive friends, family members, or a support group. Having people who support you can provide a safe environment for sharing your thoughts and receiving motivation. Reach out to Art Therapy’s Support Group to see what is running at our studio.

Focus on Self-Care

Engaging in activities like yoga or exercise can be effective in healing from trauma or at least reducing its effects. Painting, dancing, playing tennis, or working out can also be beneficial.

They might not fix everything, but they can definitely make things a lot better and bring some happiness back into your life.

Art Therapy

If you or someone you care about are struggling with trauma’s aftermath, Art Therapy Guelph is available to assist. Our trauma therapy sessions offer support for survivors to face their experiences and restore their identity. Book your first life-changing therapy session and begin your journey to well-being today.

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