I often get clients, adults, and children, who seek my help because they have trouble controlling their emotions. There are a variety of reasons that someone may be more emotional,…
When reading an article about superwomen "having it all", it struck me that men don't resonate with the types of behaviors women do to be labelled as "super". I believe…
Let's face it, not every day is like rainbows and lollipops. It's normal to feel a variety of feelings and emotions. They come and go. Picture them like clouds in…
People with chronic anxiety, panic attacks and phobias have anxiety that is related to certain thoughts and physical symptoms. There are many symptoms of anxiety such as stomach aches, heart…
Healthy boundaries are important because they are the limits and rules that we set for ourselves in relationships. A person who has strong boundaries can say no to people when…
As an art therapist, every day people ask me about my services and say "what if I am not artistic and have zero skills?" This is my answer. Art therapy…
Self-Care Art Therapy Guelph
"I lied and said I was busy.
I was busy;
but not in a way most people understand.
I was busy taking deeper breaths.
I was…
Panic attacks can feel quite threatening. Many people head to the emergency room for fear of a heart attack but are diagnosed with a panic attack. Its better to be…
I recently posted information about my associate Ally's work with children and art therapy for school anxiety. Thank you to one of my followers for mentioning that teachers also feel…
Perfectionism, Markers on Paper by Heather Caruso DVati, RP
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term perfectionism is defined as the doctrine that the perfection of moral character constitutes a…